Monday 1 February 2021

Colin's Garden Mustelid

I have received a message from Colin Carr with some photos - as follows:-

When you look out of the early morning window for some signs of Spring, and see something else entirely! #stoat or #weasel

Hard to be sure when you can't see the tail.   I would guess at the former based purely on its small but highly alert stature.

Sorry for the poor photography, but they move in spurts so very fast.

Only the second I have seen in the garden since moving to Blackfordby 5+ years ago.

Stoat (Mustela erminea) or Weasel (Mustela nivalis) - Colin Carr's garden in January, 2021
It can be difficult to see the difference between a Stoat and a Weasel but, as Colin mentions, the real clue is in the tail. A Stoat has a black tip to a tail that is approximately half the length of the body. The Weasel's tail is purely brown and rather short in comparison. A Stoat has a body length of 30-34cm, whereas the smaller Weasel is 20-27 cm. If that's a 4 inch pipe in Colin's second photo, it suggests to me that the animal has a body length of around 8 inches (20cm), challenging Colin's conclusion that it is probably a Stoat. Brian and I think that it is probably a Weasel. 
Note: due to me initially miss-reading an ID guide, I have changed the above paragraph! RP
There is an old addage that simplifies the situation:- "A Weasel is weasily recognised, but a Stoat is stotally different"!

Thank you, Colin, for sending in these delightful photos to brighten our day!

I hope that you are all managing to stay safe and well and that we'll have the opportunity to meet up in the not too distant future.

Best wishes - Richard


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