Wednesday 10 June 2020

Birds, a Bee, and a Bold Squirrel

I've received some delightful photos submitted by Brian and Simon. I confess to examining Simon's beautiful shots rather closely to check if that tree that both the shots featured was artificial or Photoshopped, as there did not seem to be a hair out of place between the two. It's real, folks!

Robin (Erithacus rubecula) - Simon's garden
Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) - Simon's garden
Here are Brian's birds:-

Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) - Brian's garden
Magpie (Pica pica) - Brian's garden
Starling  (Sturnus vulgaris) (juvenile) - Brian's garden
Rook (Corvus frugilegus) - Brian's garden
Brian has nicely documented a Grey Squirrel raiding his bird feeder. There are mixed feelings about squirrels out there, but I'm rather fond of them, and it's not their fault that somebody brought them here from America!

Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) - Brian's garden
Brian also sent in a photo of a bee, asking if I could ID it. Sadly, I'm not knowledgeable about bees but, by consulting on the excellent Naturespot web site, I have come to the conclusion that it's Early Bumblebee - please let me know if you think I've got it wrong!

Early Bumblebee (Bombus pratorum) - Brian's garden
That's all for now folks. Until the next time, take good care and stay safe - - - Richard

1 comment:

  1. Nice comments about Simon's birds. Not photoshopped but I think they may be stuffed!
